Client Services


  • Multi-Generational Wealth Transfer

  • Business Exit and Succession

  • Income & Estate Taxes

  • Family Legacy

Wealth Advisory

  • Investment Advisory Services

  • Private Equity/Credit & Alternatives

  • Coordinating Portfolio & Tax Management with Business Activities


  • Life Insurance for Estate Tax Liquidity or Business Succession

  • Private Placement Life Insurance

  • Long Term Care


"I love it when a plan comes together." John 'Hannibal' Smith - The A-Team

At Xception Advisory Group all our successful client relationships are built on a solid foundation of strategic planning. For business owners and entrepreneurs, it is difficult to separate business and personal planning that is heavily intertwined. Given this complexity, it is important that our planning process and recommendations are as simple and multi-purpose as possible.

We start any new client relationship with a fee-based planning process with a clear scope of work, estimated timeline, flat fee, and specific deliverables in mind. We follow a targeted and intentional process based on (i) careful due diligence, (ii) thorough client discovery, and (iii) purposeful plan design. This process results in custom strategies and a straight forward plan of action to implement.

Planning topics often include:

  • Business Planning: Exit & Succession; Family Business Transfer; M&A support; ESOP support; Income Tax Strategies; Executive Retention and Compensation; 401(k) & Qualified Plan Advisory; Long-Term Governance; Pre-Transaction Tax Strategies

  • Trust & Estate Planning: Defining Family Wealth Values; Long-Range Family Legacy; Asset & Creditor Protection; Estate Tax & Liquidity Planning; Blended Family Issues; Philanthropic Goals; Special Needs Planning; Wealth Privacy; Family Meeting facilitation

  • Financial Planning: Family Lifestyle Planning; Retirement Cash Flow; Income Tax Optimization; Long-Term Care; Family Wealth Values; Career or Lifestyle Changes; Investment Strategy Design

After the planning phase, we typically work with you, your existing advisors, and other key strategic partners and specialists to execute the game plan. During and after the planning implementation phase, our role as a strategic advisor often expands to include wealth advisory services and insurance solutions where appropriate. Clients often find value in the seamless coordination and integration of planning, investment advisory services, and insurance solutions.

Once the initial game plan is implemented, our advisory role typically evolves into an ongoing strategic partner to help maintain the integrity of the initial plan while adjusting to coordinate with ever-changing family, business, and wealth circumstances.

Wealth Advisory

Xception Advisory Group assists most of our clients with some level of investment advisory and wealth management services. We provide direct investment management services and routinely partner with independent institutional asset managers with careful research, analysis, and management capabilities. However, since most of our clients are business owners and entrepreneurs, our approach to investment management comes with a healthy perspective about balancing traditional savings and investment strategies with the need for liquidity and working capital to help maximize business opportunities. Our clients' businesses remain their greatest potential generator of income and wealth, so our wealth advisory services focus on diversifying and coordinating public and private portfolio asset management along side a client's business activities.

Xception Advisory Group provides investment management services as a fiduciary investment advisor rather than a commission-based securities sales role. We believe it is critical to our client relationship that we maintain a fiduciary relationship in all planning and investment advisory services.

Insurance Solutions

For a strategic plan to be successful, it should achieve your goals regardless of the circumstances and even when unfortunate risks arise. Planning for downside risks, worst case scenarios, and contingencies is the foundation of any solid financial plan.

For business owners, insurance solutions and risk management strategies can be deployed in many creative ways to protect the value of your business assets, business equity, key employees, overhead expense obligations, succession and continuation risks, etc. and shift those financial risks to an insurance carrier.

At Xception Advisory Group, our team works with insurance carriers, brokers, and consultants to recommend and provide solutions including:

  • Life insurance for Buy-Sell planning with business partners and Estate Tax liquidity

  • Insurance-backed compensation strategies for long-range management retention

  • Employee benefit insurance lines like medical, dental, group disability, group life, etc.

  • Commercial insurance lines including general liability, malpractice, directors & officers insurance, etc.

  • Personal property & casualty lines like home, auto, and umbrella insurance

  • Specialty business self-insurance utilizing Captive Insurance Company programs